Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I Love Painting
I highly recommend joining.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Moving Gallery
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Established in 2000, ArtsHub is now one of Australia's leading websites serving the creative and arts industries. ArtsHub is visited over 100,000 times each month and offers the reader access to the latest news, views, reviews, jobs, events, company profiles and general classifieds from the Australian creative and arts industries. Over 600 companies subscribe to ArtsHub advertising their companies, latest events, and jobs on offer.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Botanical Drawing
Fished Out
The world was made of fish, there was nothing else on the menu.
Raised in a traditional Italian home where habitual faith in Christianity naturally blended into everyday life, questioning was not encouraged. Religious icons decorated the walls and golden religious charms adorned our bodies. Our days at school began in prayer. We had daily lessons with allocated lectures on the subjects of religion and faith. Before lunch, after lunch and before going home we prayed. The last thing at night before closing our eyes we prayed one last time.
Christianity's symbol is that of the fish.
The first piece reflects the strong unquestionable faith of youth and habit. Life is filled with a knowing that being on the right path on this Earth, would be rewarded in the next. Life was in a large way simpler and more complete as there was no need to search for the right answers - they were all there in the text. We were proud wearing the symbols of faith on our bodies for all the world to see. The first piece, complete with fish and bright colours, reflects the view that all the elements are in harmony.
The work becomes more raw and grittier as doubts begin to creep in. The subject that was once force fed is now viewed through different eyes. Questions are raised. There is a revelation as the losing of trust crosses over and manifests as also a loss of identity. This is signified by the layers of tissue obscuring parts of the face. The world becomes very abstract, it is no longer the dark ages of yesteryear. With a renaissance comes doubt, uncertainty with no freedom. This renaissance is also reflected in the art, going from the realist to the stylized. The fragility of the tissue paper acts as an analogue of the fragility of the human condition, certainties easily torn and ripped asunder. The wire net wraps over the images trapping them in a confined world.
Anger is the catalyst, it is the vehicle that drives movement. The God of War, Mars, rampant on the field. However, this is letting go of a lifetime of beliefs and this is not easily done. Inner conflict is created. Much analyzing is at times accompanied by guilt, and guilt lingers on for some substantial time.
Eventually, after much deliberating, you awake to a new day, where the past is no longer impinging on the present. The wire has been cut and the slate has been wiped clean and there is a freedom to wander in a new direction and to be yourself.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Win-win studio spaces
The force behind this venture is 'Creative Spaces' they are a joint initiative of the MCC and Arts Victoria in partnership with RMIT's Design Research Institute and the Future Focus Group of the Committee for Melbourne.
This collaboration has cleverly worked out a strategy to satisfy both, property developers and artists.
However, I am left confused by the wording in the article as to whether the spaces are priced at, $100 per week, or $100 per month.
For more information go to:
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Antiquated Education System
Sir Ken Robinson, a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), will open your eyes through this insightful video. This site, 'RSA Animate', also offers other equally impressive videos on topics which affect the way we live, and the way we are programmed to think.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wayne's Awards

These awards are in their third year, they are run by a local Australian company ' Labtam Communications'. The head judge was 'Peter Eastway' from 'Better Photography Magazine'.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Image in Silvershotz
Friday, November 5, 2010
My Class of 2010
On the agenda now is, finally catching up with all my neglected friends, so expect a phone call - we are going to do plenty of coffees and lunches. It is absolutely vital to make up for missed time.
Languid Pools
Thursday, November 4, 2010

This was a Certificate IV project, in which I was lucky enough to be invited to help out with. It was an amazing experience working on this 4 panel mural. Many hours was spent on it's creation.
It's resting place will be at the Northern Hospital at Epping.
A huge challenge but I absolutely loved working on it.
Trends for Blogs
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Having only recently become aware of myself possessing Dyslexia, I am constantly surprised at just how many people I meet who are also Dyslexic. It is estimated that it is as high as one in five in this country (although these statistics seem to change every time I pick up literature on the subject). In the UK and America, children in primary schools have been tested for it since 1982. Here in Australia, at secondary and other higher education, a system has now been put in place for some assistance, however, in some primary schools it is not even recognized. My daughter, who has also been diagnosed with it, has had no help whatsoever. I have had to hunt through many obscure channels to finally find an outside tutor who could help her. WAKE UP AUSTRALIA!!!
Mixing up words, misspelling words or even leaving out complete lines of words are only some of the common factors. Thank God for Spell Check. I have lived most of my life knowing that there was something amiss but didn't know what it was. I strongly believed that I was stupid and had a learning disability. Since being diagnosed, my whole life has changed, and now I am not only comfortable with it, but I have even made the decision to go back to study - study was something I never thought I could do successfully in the past. Understanding is the key to many doors.
Photography Wisdom for iPad

'Photography Wisdom' by Wayne Cosshall, has just been launched as an App for iPad. It is online at Apple's App Store. Cost: US$3.99 A$4.99
Link is:
'Photography Wisdom' contains practical advice on improving your photography and finding your own creative voice.
Link is:
Friday, October 29, 2010
Darebin City

My painting "Hidden Treasures" has been accepted by the City of Darebin. By arrangement via, Kirrily, at NMIT and a representive of the Darebin Council, the handover of the painting will be documented and published in the local newspaper. I don't at the moment know when this will happen or where the painting will be situated.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My completed books
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
November 2011 Exhibition
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Outlet - "Loosh"
Loosh is an exclusive Holistic Wellbeing Store and Therapy Centre. An urban oasis amidst the urban jungle.
Drop in, meet Diana and feast your eyes on their beautiful products. My paintings will be there happily and eagerly waiting for the right person.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Escha van den Bogerd
Artist Statement

Moments In Time
This body of work is a continuation of my exploration of the various aspects of the human condition. Specifically, my interest lies in the roles in life people play, the interplay of light and dark in their lives and the boundary conditions between a person's inner and outer worlds. I explore these not only through the subject matter but through metaphor: firstly, the way light and shadow forms around the curves of the body and secondly, the relationship between the body and the surrounding space.
In my art, I like to experiment with different styles and mediums. As my art has matured my style has become looser and freer. In this latest collection I made a conscious move to use broader strokes and my preferred mediums to work with is either charcoal or pastel. I find that these mediums allow me to work quickly, thus, creating an easy spontaneous flow. Recently, I have discovered that after the drawing has been outlined, I then paint over it with water or another wet medium – the effect is a soft and fluid result. I also intentionally paint outside the lines as this process brings the surrounding background into the body, and vice-versa. I do this to emphasis the correlation to the outside world and the unifying connection of all things.
When I painted this series I was in awe and strongly influenced by the way Escha van den Bogerd captured this notion completely in her work. Whilst her work is darker and heavier, I purposely created my series to look light and airy.
Monday, October 18, 2010
TAM Exhibition
Next year's 'Thou Art Mum' exhibition has just been
We are booked into the Eltham Library.
3rd to 22nd June, 2011.
The theme will be "Moments In Time".
I have just put on my thinking cap.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Barnowlby Bubbles

Barnowlby Bubbles
Sarah Hardy (a wonderful friend) has finally finished her book.Yes it is here. The launch of "Barnowlby Bubbles" children's picture book, written by Elisabeth hardy and Illustrated by Sarah Hardy. Come along and celebrate with them on Saturday 11th December at 2pm, at the Eltham Multi-purpose room, Eltham Library. There will be 2 exciting guest speakers, as well as drinks and nibbles, and of course the opportunity to purchase this wonderful book. See you there! It's going to be a blast!
Henry Moore
::: Henry Moore :::
::: Cy Twombly :::
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Action Shots
Friday, October 8, 2010
Chuck Close
Libby Schreiber

Libby describes this work as: "My work is very personal in the sense that it reflects my thoughts about my life and how and where everything and everyone else fits into it. I am quite self analytical and my art acts as a kind of visual diary. At times the truth is stretched, at other times humour is used to help me see the light side of life. At the end of the day I want my work to be accessible to all, so I use objects and symbols that are familiar to most of us with a little stylization.
Some of my images come to me seemingly out of the blue whilst others are the result of focusing on a thematic starting point. When I have a few ideas I begin drawing onto the lino and re-work the image until it comes together which can take months. Print is an exciting medium as you never really know until you print, whether the image has been successful or not. I hope to continue developing my imagery and techniques well into the future.".